August 30, 2009 Sermon: "The Cost of Following Jesus"

Main Scripture: Matthew 19:16-30

Pastor Bob painted a picture in last Sunday’s sermon that has stayed in my head all week:

A young man dated a young woman that he finally decides he wants to marry. He selects the time and place for his proposal. The big moment arrives. He wants to make his proposal one that she can’t resist – but he also wants to be completely honest with her, so there will be no surprises when they become husband and wife.

“Darling”, he starts, “you are the woman for me. I want to make you my wife. I will cherish you and take care of you for the rest of your life. I will buy the biggest house anywhere you want to live. Jewelry, furs, cars – whatever you ask for will be yours. You will vacation in the most luxurious locations on earth. You will never have to lift your hand to perform manual labor”.

The young woman’s eyes glistened as she hung on her love’s every word. Her dreams were about to come true. No girl could ask for anything more! “There is but one thing I ask of you,” the young man states as he concludes his proposal. “For 364 days of the year, I’m all yours. I will be what you want me to be and do what you want me to do. All I ask is that you not object or get angry on the one day each year – only one day – I spend with my girlfriend…..”

The young man was willing to commit most of himself to his intended wife, but not all. Some people probably would think this is a good deal! But, if the young woman truly loves the young man, why would she settle for a situation like that? The things cannot take the place of the one thing her heart yearns for, which would be him.

But think about it: many of us ask God to settle, don’t we? We are willing to commit most of ourselves, but not quite all. We may live “good” lives; we work, we don’t steal, we give to charities, we may even work at the local soup kitchen on Thanksgiving. We’re nice to the dog and we put a toy in the Toy Drive box every Christmas. We feed our kids and we don’t cheat on our spouses. God should be happy with that, shouldn’t He? So what if there are a few little things you still do, or are not willing to give up. You’re only human, right?

In Matthew 19:16-30, we learn about a rich young man who wanted to find out from Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life. The young man was a good person. He obeyed all of the laws of his religion. But Jesus challenged him on the one thing that prevented him from committing himself totally. The young man could not give up his wealth. His wealth was an outward symbol to everyone that he was blessed and highly favored of God, wasn’t it? How could Jesus ask him to give it all away?

You don’t have to sell your house, leave your family, and move to a deserted island to prove your devotion to God, unless God explicitly tells you to do so! But you should search your heart and your life and ask yourself, honestly, what is standing between you and God? What is keeping you from making God first in your life? What personality traits do you continue to possess that you know are not pleasing to God?

My brothers and sisters, to get it all, we have to give it all.

May God bless and keep each one of you this week....HGCF

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