September 6 and September 13 Sermons: "Admiration versus Devotion -- Which Do You Have?" (Parts I & II)

Main Scripture: Matthew 7:13-29

In the sermons Pastor Bob delivered the past two Sundays, he asked a singular question: are you an admirer of Jesus, or are you truly devoted?

That may seem like an odd question, but it really isn’t. A person can be an admirer of someone, but not exactly a devotee. For example, I admired Michael Jackson for his music. I purchased his albums and CDs over the years, knew the words to many of his hits, and was amazed at the artistry in some of his videos. I was saddened when I learned of his tragic and untimely death. However, I can’t call myself a MJ devotee. Many of the true Michael Jackson devotees were inconsolable when they learned of his passing. Some played his music non-stop in the days following his death. Others were glued to the television, as they spent untold hours watching Michael Jackson video marathons. A few who gave birth during that time frame named their babies after him. Many spent hours on the Internet trying to get tickets to his memorial service. Others donned a fedoras, white socks, and sequined gloves to express their feelings.

Another example – the location we hold our worship services in is also the home hotel for the Oakland Raiders. On game days, there is absolutely no question who the Raider devotees are. I root for them, but I’m not going to paint my face silver and black to show my support! (quick note: the pastor is a former Denver Bronco but there are still members of the fellowship, even members of his family, who are Raider fans….sorry!)

The truly devoted will alter their thoughts, actions, and their very lives to follow the one they are devoted to.

Many of us who are believers are not shy about letting people know we are Christians. We attend church every Sunday, drive around with a fish on our cars, are quick to say “God bless you”, and won’t leave home without our cross necklaces or our WWJD bracelets. But how many of us are truly devoted? How many of us have really altered our thoughts, actions – our very lives – to follow Jesus?

In Matthew 7: 24 – 27, Jesus gives us a good litmus test. Those of us who are admirers only, in times of adversity (the rain), will react the same way we always would have in the past. When times get rough, we go back to getting drunk, abusing drugs, cursing, hurting others physically or verbally, dishonesty – nothing has really changed. However, those of us who are true devotees of Christ will strive, in times of adversity, to react as Christ would react. Will we be perfect every time? No. But, will we emulate the actions of Christ in those situations more often than not? Yes, we will.

The truly devoted will alter their thoughts, actions, and their very lives to follow the One they are devoted to.

Be blessed this week…HGCF

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